Friday, November 11, 2016

Staying Home is The New Going Out

I totally agree! From Vicki Archer:
“Home” is our castle.

I have never understood those who don’t care about their surroundings although I do envy them in a way. Creating a home and caring about the interior can become an obsession.  There is a balance to seek and I hope these days I’m there. When I was younger I strove for perfection, within my capabilities and focused on every small internal and external detail. I question how much I really relaxed and enjoyed that environment. I remember our early days in Provence; I never sat still, I was always re-inventing and re-arranging.

Today, I don’t fret if a little mess interrupts the view or we aren’t as “together” as I would like. I am happy where things sit and I leave them alone. Yes, I do make small changes here and there but nothing like I once did. I am trying to enjoy the moment more, accept home is a home and banish the “showpiece” mentality. Help! I think I’m growing up.

Home is our security blanket, our nest and it is important to feel at one with it. Recently I have had an unsettled feeling; we are in-between in London and I am realising that temporary, however comfortable is a little de-stabilising. Like it or not, staying home is my fancy place and I’m ready to set up another one. Being at home, where you belong, is one potent feeling. I miss the commitment to bricks and mortar. In Provence, I always feel at home but I’m not always at home, if you see what I mean? Life, family and commitments have led me away and everyday life is more London focused. (Read more.)

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